The Marriage Gift by Aaron & Jennifer Smith Book Giveaway

Marriage is one of the most beautiful gifts God has blessed my life with. I prayed for many years for my sweet husband. I’m thankful the wait was long and that I was patient in that adventurous wait. I grew in my single years and I learned how to walk life with my Savior as a single lady and I learned that no matter what season of life I’m in, my Heavenly Father will always be with me.

Marriage has been it’s own adventure. One of complete life change, spiritually evolving, and simple days of laughter and joy. It’s also peaceful. Darin has been my home and my safety for so long that when there’s a hint of chaos or unrest, I flee quickly. Life is too short for anything but the fruit of God in our atmospheres. I’m thankful to be married to someone who cultivates this in our home and relationship daily.

Because marriage is a gift that should be nurtured and cultivated on a daily bases, I’m so honored to be asked to partner with authors, Aaron and Jennifer Smith. This couple is a couple worth learning from. They wrote 365 Prayers for Marriage called The Marriage Gift. I read through every single one of these prayers and loved the authentic heart behind each prayer. And in honor of my wedding anniversary to my amazing hubby, Mr. & Mr. Smith are giving away a copy of this book for a blessed winner.

All you have to do to enter is

I’ll announce the winner on February 27th!


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